Opportunites for All Schedules!
First, register as a volunteer. Visit MSCS Family and Community & Engagement online to register at http://www.scsk12.org/face2/?pn=Volunteers&sm=3. Volunteer registration for all levels must be renewed annually.
We count on volunteers to implement PTO events and initiatives as well as provide needed support to teachers and staff. There are so many ways to get involved on campus and from home, so please consider finding the opportunities that fit your schedule. We appreciate any time you can give! Please sign up for the opportunities that interest you by clicking on the link and signing up with the Signup Genius page, and we will contact you!
5th Grade Promotion - Help plan and facilitate the 5th grade promotion ceremony hosted at Idlewild Presbyterian.
Alumni Outreach - Utilize the alumni information and contacts we currently have to begin an alumni directory and organize and support efforts to connect to other alumni.
Beautification - Assist in planning and organizing a fall and spring campus clean up date. Be aware of on-going needs around the exterior of campus and find ways of improving the grounds for students.
Civic Community - This committee focuses on Idlewild's presence and engagement in the broader school community. Assist the chair in organizing activities and parents to participate in community conversations that impact the school, help advocate for Idlewild priorities and campaigns (like the "Blacktop to Greentop" campaign), and arrange opportunities for Idlewild families to give back to the community.
Fall Event -Whether this be Fall Carnival, a Trunk or Treat, or another fun event, this committee will plan, organize volunteers, and execute event from start to finish to ensure a successful event.
Fundraising & Corporate Sponsor - Review and analyze revenue and expenses from past and planned fundraisers and make recommendations to the PTO. Committee members will also assist the chair in managing and recruiting corporate sponsorship. A grant writer would be an amazing asset to this committee!
Parent Ambassadors - Support administration with prospective family tours in the spring and answer questions from a parent perspective; volunteer at Optional School Family Night one weekend in January; and plan welcoming coffee/breakfast events for new families and kindergarten families.
Room Parent Coordinator - Assign room parents for each class, maintain records of teacher/parent matches, and serve as liaison between staff, faculty, and parents. Room parent sponsors or co-sponsors enable seamless class events and provide a better overall experience for students and teachers. They are key to quick and efficient communication between PTO and families. Room sponsor teams typically consist of one lead or two co-leads and assistants. If you are interested in serving as a room sponsor, please reach out to your homeroom teacher for more information.
Spirit Store - Fill and deliver online merchandise orders to classrooms, help work spirit gear table at events, and periodically do inventory counts. Some, but not all, volunteers need to be available during the school day to help deliver orders.
Spring Event - Decide on, prepare for, and volunteer at the spring event. In past years this was a dance off or fun run facilitated by the boosterthon and a live auction/social parent event. This year we are moving to a school wide community event where students, families, teachers, and staff can gather and enjoy each other's company while doing something fun. The committee will meet to decide their vision for this year and execute the event from start to finish. New ideas are welcome!
Sustainability - Help keep lost and found area organized and tidy, manage opportunities for lost and found to be on display and available to families quarterly, and create opportunities for outgrown uniform items to be donated and offered to new families and other organizations.
Teacher Appreciation - Assist the chair in finding ways to appreciate teachers all year especially during Teacher Appreciation Week in May. This may include but is not limited to picking up, delivering, and setting up food; reaching out to local businesses for donations; and putting together gift bags.
Yearbook - One or two parent volunteers from each grade level are needed to take photos of field trips and special events and submit them to the yearbook chair. Once yearbook class pages are designed, committee members help proof and get teacher approval.
Interested in chairing one of the committees above or have an idea for another volunteer need? Please email us at idlewildptovolunteer@gmail.com.
If you have a business that would like to become a corporate sponsor for the Idlewild PTO, send us a message, and let's make it happen! We have a list of ways we want to help Idlewild this year, and your support makes a big impact!